The switch backside bigspin is a difficult and technical skateboarding trick that involves spinning the board 360 degrees while rolling...
All Switch Articles
How to Switch Frontside Bigspin on a Skateboard
The switch frontside bigspin is a technical and stylish skateboarding trick that involves spinning the board 360 degrees while rolling...
How to Switch Backside 180 on a Skateboard
Skateboarding is an exciting and popular sport that has been around for decades. It involves riding a board with wheels and performing...
How to Switch Ollie on a Skateboard
Skateboarding is a fun and exciting sport that has gained popularity over the years. One of the most basic tricks that every skateboarder...
How to Switch Frontside 360 on a Skateboard
Skateboarding is a sport that requires skill, perseverance, and a passion for the sport. One of the most impressive tricks in...
How to Switch Frontside 180 on a Skateboard
Skateboarding is a sport that requires a lot of skill, practice, and dedication. One of the most fundamental tricks in skateboarding is...