How to Switch Frontside 180 on a Skateboard

March 22, 2023

Skateboarding is a sport that requires a lot of skill, practice, and dedication. One of the most fundamental tricks in skateboarding is the switch frontside 180, which involves spinning the skateboard 180 degrees while riding in the switch stance, with your non-dominant foot at the back of the board. It’s a trick that is easy to learn but takes time and effort to master. In this post, we will cover the steps and tips on how to switch frontside 180 on a skateboard.

Step 1: Master the basics Before attempting the switch frontside 180, you need to have a good understanding of the basics of skateboarding. This includes riding the board, ollies, and 180-degree turns. Make sure you are comfortable riding your skateboard and have practiced your ollies and 180-degree turns in the switch stance before moving on to the frontside 180.

Step 2: Set up for the trick Start by riding towards the obstacle you want to do the trick on. Position your feet on the board in the switch stance, with your non-dominant foot at the back of the board and your dominant foot near the middle of the board.

Step 3: Pop the ollie To start the switch frontside 180, you need to pop an ollie. Pop the tail of the board down while jumping with your back foot. As you jump, slide your front foot towards the nose of the board to level it out.

Step 4: Start the spin As you are in mid-air, start to turn your shoulders and hips towards the frontside of the board. Your front foot should be turning with your body as you rotate.

Step 5: Keep your eyes on the prize Keep your eyes focused on where you want to land. This will help you maintain your balance and stay centered over the board.

Step 6: Keep spinning As you come around to the 90-degree mark, continue to spin your body and board until you reach the 180-degree mark. This means you need to keep your shoulders and hips rotating until you complete the full spin.

Step 7: Keep your weight centered over the board Maintaining your balance is crucial to landing the trick. Keep your weight centered over the board and avoid leaning too far in any direction.

Step 8: Land the trick As you complete the spin, prepare to land back on the board. Make sure you have your feet in the right position and land with your knees bent to absorb the impact.

Tips for Switch Frontside 180

  1. Practice on flat ground first Before trying the trick on an obstacle, practice the switch frontside 180 on flat ground. This will help you get a feel for the trick and build up your confidence.
  2. Focus on your foot placement Make sure your feet are in the right position when setting up for the trick. This will help you pop the ollie and spin smoothly.
  3. Use your shoulders and hips to initiate and continue the spin Your shoulders and hips play a critical role in initiating and continuing the spin. Make sure you turn them towards the frontside of the board to start the rotation and keep them rotating until you complete the full spin.
  4. Keep your weight centered over the board Maintaining your balance is crucial to landing the trick. Keep your weight centered over the board and avoid leaning too far in any direction.
  5. Practice, practice, practice Like any trick, the switch frontside 180 takes practice to master. Keep practicing and don’t get discouraged if you don’t land it right away. With time and dedication, you will be able to add this fundamental trick to your skateboarding repertoire.

In conclusion, the switch frontside 180 is a fundamental trick in skateboarding that takes practice and dedication to master. By following the steps and tips outlined above, you can start to learn and improve your switch frontside 180. Remember to practice on flat ground first, focus on your foot placement, use your shoulders and hips to initiate and continue the spin, keep your weight centered over the board, and practice, practice, practice. With time and effort, you’ll be able to add this trick to your arsenal and continue to progress as a skateboarder. Happy skating!

Kyle Niedz
Author: Kyle Niedz


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  1. yvette

    This tutorial is a great resource for learning the Switch Frontside 180. Clear instructions and helpful tips make it easy to follow along and improve your skateboarding skills. Highly recommend!

  2. harriet

    What I particularly appreciated about this tutorial is how the instructor breaks down each step of the trick, providing helpful tips on foot positioning, body rotation, and weight distribution.

  3. Josh

    I’ve been skating for a few years now, but I still struggle with switch frontside 180s. This article really helped me pinpoint where I’m going wrong and gave me some new techniques to try. I especially appreciated the advice on practicing in different stances and on different surfaces to help build confidence and muscle memory. Thanks for the great tips!

  4. Ben

    Thank you for this helpful guide on how to switch frontside 180! The breakdown of each step, from the initial pop to the follow-through, was easy to follow and understand. The tips on foot positioning and weight distribution were especially useful. I can’t wait to practice these techniques and work on perfecting my switch frontside 180!

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